Digital Calipers

MS-220 Series Standard Digital Calipers

A precision caliper suitable for a wide range of workshop applications. Allowing Outside, Inside, Depth and Step Measurement (4 way) measurements. Constructed from Stainless Steel, Hardened and Ground Frame.

UKAS calibration available.

MS-222 Series Large Digital Calipers

Large workshop caliper. Jaw length. Allowing Outside and Inside (Nib Type Jaw) measurements. Constructed from Stainless Steel, Hardened and Ground Frame.

UKAS calibration available.

MS-230 Series Inside Groove Digital Calipers

Internal groove measurements. The ground, knife edge measuring contacts are raised allowing stepped bores, grooves or seal depths measurements.

UKAS calibration available.

MS-235 Series Outside Groove Digital Calipers

External groove measurements. The ground, knife edge measuring contacts are raised allowing access into hard-to-reach areas and over stepped work pieces.

UKAS calibration available.

MS-245 Series Tube Wall Thickness Digital Calipers

Tube wall thickness measurements. With removable cylindrical pin jaw for measuring tube wall thickness or end of slot to edge measurement.

UKAS calibration available.